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fixed bayonetの例文


  • When the fourth Chinese attack came the Rajputs fixed bayonets and charged.
  • Whilst lying there, he was attacked by another with a fixed bayonet.
  • Fixed bayonets and hand-to-hand combat were the orders of the day.
  • Troops were called out and dispersed the crowd with fixed bayonets.
  • Instead of dishonoring themselves, they decided to charge with fixed bayonets.
  • His men entered Nekhl riding with fixed bayonets on 17 February.
  • Without hesitation they charged the federals with fixed bayonets, eventually capturing some forty-seven.
  • Stevens and the first 100 fixed bayonets and rushed the flank.
  • Then the Cretans assaulted with fixed bayonets and captured all the surviving Bulgarians.
  • The digger originally carried a rifle with a fixed bayonet in his left hand.
  • His division comprised members of the Enfield rifles with fixed bayonets and hand grenades.
  • Others were blocked by arriving National Guardsmen with fixed bayonets.
  • Tactics, based on frontal assault with fixed bayonets, were outdated.
  • The 300 men then conducted an advance with fixed bayonets.
  • The most common infantry weapon was the Brown Bess used with a fixed bayonet.
  • After a day of heroic fighting, the last five survivors fixed bayonets and charged.
  • Hickman was an extra in Dean's 1951 feature movie debut, " Fixed Bayonets ! ".
  • Veterans of the Civil War with fixed bayonets finally ejected the strikers from the premises.
  • Much of the fighting was done hand-to-hand with fixed bayonets and knives, in knee-deep snow.
  • The terrified bricklayers would have been surrounded by soldiers with fixed bayonets pointed at them.
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